Conveyor systems
We create our transport equipment proceeding from quality criteria, reasonableness of designs and application of modern effective technologies. It will help you to get rid of the mass of difficulties which you meet every day.
You will notice process of movement of goods in your warehouse and production when using conveyor system in zones of selection of orders, their sortings and a complete set became easy.
Roller conveyors won't take a lot of place in your warehouse, and will only open for you new opportunities of transportation, the account and distribution of freights.
Universality and efficiency

Our conveyor systems can be used practically at whatever basic data
Modular design. It is easy to assemble conveyors and if necessary it is easy to change a location. All elements are simple in service that will allow to cut operational costs in the long term
Multifunctionality. Frequency regulation of the drive allows to organize flexible internal transportation in any zones – storages, selection of orders, reception and sending at temperatures from -28 °C to +45 °C. Equipment of conveyors metering devices will allow to conduct strict control of receipt and shipment of goods. Roller conveyor is suitable for transportation of different types of cargo units – a pallet, boxes, trays, and also freights without container.

High load ability Reliable bases and balanced sidewalls are used in production of chain and roller conveyors.
High quality. Our cooperation with the leading European producers of components allows to provide due quality, high efficiency and long service life of conveyor systems.

Order picking: "Goods to man"
Our conveyor systems not only are capable to solve problems of transportation, but also allows to increase significantly possible quantity of the chosen lines of selection – the sum of lines of all consignment notes on holiday of goods from a warehouse in days which are chosen in the analysis of streams as basic for further calculations. At a certain quantity of lines manual selection becomes inefficient. There is a need of introduction of conveyor transport system which basis are roller and chain conveyors.
Such systems realize "Goods to man" approach, that’s why labor productivity considerably increases.
Irrespective of loading
Our conveyor systems can be used with European and Finnish standard pallets, industrial and chemical pallets, special non-standard pallets. By means of several modifications you can also transport other cargo units.