We anticipated everything
Using the “Technocon” tube chain conveyor you can perform transportation of granular materials in every direction. Moreover the possibility of equipping of the conveyor with auxiliary systems helps combine the following procedures:
- heating
- cooling
- mixing
- proportioning
- distribution.
The automated control system – allows integration of the conveyor into some system and to control it automatically without the involvement of an operator. Also this system allows equipping with the following devices:
- frequency converters for providing variable capacity;
- smooth start systems;
- auxiliary protection devices;
- remote control systems;
- independent control systems including chain speed monitoring sensors and current loading sensors.
The temperature control system is used for cooling or heating of the material during transportation. The pipe areas of the conveyor are equipped with special devices – liquid surfaces used for cooling and electric surfaces used for heating. The automation system controls the temperature and speed characteristics depending on the temperature value necessary at the output.
The material mixing system is designed for mixing of several simultaneously transported materials in order to provide a homogeneous mixture composition. Together with the proportioning system it makes it possible to prepare mixtures just during the transportation process.
The proportioning system is used for providing an exact material feeding into the technological processes and realization of the control and accounting functions. Equipping with a user interface is also provided.
The distribution system broadens significantly the application of the tube chain conveyor; it controls the process of material feeding to the destination points. Multidirectional material transfer and creation of closed systems are possible.
The multilevel cleaning system was specially designed for cleaning of the conveyor from the transported material. It helps to solve the following tasks:
- elimination of caking that obstructs the conveyor functioning;
- complete cleaning of the conveyor from the materials.
Now you can use one conveyor for processing of various materials excluding the possibility of their contact; perform complete cleaning of the conveyor periodically and, if necessary, washing and antiseptic dressing.
There are:
- Intermediate station with the washing system

- Drive station with the washing system

- Cleaning wheels

- Sprocket with a kicker

There is a complete equipment:
- complex for unloading wagons with cement

- complex for unloading wagons with soda

- conveyor system for collecting and transporting the collected dust